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Centre Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Caritas Cambodia > What We Do > Centre Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Welcome to the Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Many children suffer from epilepsy and need regular anti-epileptic medication. Hearing and vision may also be impaired. Families with developmentally delayed children undergo enormous psychological, physical and economic distress and find it difficult to cope with the situation. These families need support, counseling and respite. In Cambodia comprehensive services for the mentally handicapped are not available at present.

Mental health problems are neglected for many reasons like stigma, lack of awareness and apathy. World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated the global burden of diseases on the basis of Disability Adjusted Life (DALY) and mental health problems like depression, alcoholism, substance Abuse and psychosis are among the top ten causes of human misery, disability and death.

With this in mind, our team at CCAMH strive to provide each and every child a better tomorrow. To make our dream possible, we inculcate our vision and mission in our lives. For more detail about CCAMH please click here.

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