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Fact Sheet 2016

Caritas Cambodia Fact Sheet

Helps the poorest of the poor, most disadvantaged, displaced, disabled and vulnerable people and assists them solely on their basic needs when and where needed- striving to promote human dignity, enabling them to alleviate suffering, fostering charity, justice and peace.

Measure for Adaptation to Climate Change Program

Climate change is one of the most important issues on the global political and economic agenda. Cambodia is one of the most vulnerable countries affected by climate change. The poorest people are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, as a result of a combination of economic, physical and social fact

Disaster Management Program

Caritas Cambodia carries out its Disaster Management Program to promote a collective disaster preparedness, relief and rehabilitation of people affected by natural calamities.

Livelihood for Vulnerable Household Program

Caritas Cambodia has implemented HIV/ADS program in Siem Reap for over 15 years. After the phase-out project in 2015, the team has identified serious remaining socio-economic needs for vulnerable families in Siem Reap. The launch of Inclusive Livelihood Program for most vulnerable people of selected areas was then identified to meet the great need of support.

Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program

Caritas Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health(Caritas-CCAMH), a collaborative project between Caritas Cambodia and Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Cambodia.

Community Empowerment and Sustainable Livelihood Development

Caritas’s Community Empowerment and Sustainable livelihood development program is currently running in 141 villages of 16 districts in 7 provinces, namely Kandal, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Preah Vihear, Battambong, and Mondulkiri Province.

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